Retracing (Decade)
AB Invite:
REAP was an expansive, year-long investigation into the nature of time, memory and ephemerality created by Anne Bean, who invited a host of artists to produce works in and around Dilston Grove from September 2004 to October 2005. Exactly a decade later, CGP London has commissioned Anne to re-examine REAP, particularly in regard to two of the works which continue to resonate through her practice. Anne chose 2 works that have infused her practice over the Decade since. She has investigated time trajectories/ the DECADE/DECAYED in 2 very different ways.
The first, YEARNINGS, was a solo performance shown only to five artists in the Scout Hut on the edge of Southwark Park in September 2004. No documentation was permitted; to ensure the original event existed only as an ‘electro-chemical trace’ within the consciousness of each artist. Exactly a year later, this shared memory was publicly revealed in all of its mutations, fragilities and uneasiness of recall by each artist making a work remembering the original. Now, ten years’ later, Anne Bean, Lucy Cash, Holly Darton, Meg Mosley Miyako Narita, and Lucille Power will take this shared memory as a launch for individual works that will be woven together. This experiment in ‘carrying’ the ‘electro-chemical trace’ will be even more complex a decade later. The artists will produce a new video installation RETRACING from fragments of memory, creating shadows that work with projection; momentarily manifesting within the projected images, as well as each individual film projecting to fuse into and infuse the composite film. Judith Palmer, the director of the Poetry Society, who had witnessed the performance a decade earlier, made an audio, which is threaded through the film. There will be an initiating and a closing performance for the installation.
Retracing (Decade)
AB Invite:
REAP was an expansive, year-long investigation into the nature of time, memory and ephemerality created by Anne Bean, who invited a host of artists to produce works in and around Dilston Grove from September 2004 to October 2005. Exactly a decade later, CGP London has commissioned Anne to re-examine REAP, particularly in regard to two of the works which continue to resonate through her practice. Anne chose 2 works that have infused her practice over the Decade since. She has investigated time trajectories/ the DECADE/DECAYED in 2 very different ways.
The first, YEARNINGS, was a solo performance shown only to five artists in the Scout Hut on the edge of Southwark Park in September 2004. No documentation was permitted; to ensure the original event existed only as an ‘electro-chemical trace’ within the consciousness of each artist. Exactly a year later, this shared memory was publicly revealed in all of its mutations, fragilities and uneasiness of recall by each artist making a work remembering the original. Now, ten years’ later, Anne Bean, Lucy Cash, Holly Darton, Meg Mosley Miyako Narita, and Lucille Power will take this shared memory as a launch for individual works that will be woven together. This experiment in ‘carrying’ the ‘electro-chemical trace’ will be even more complex a decade later. The artists will produce a new video installation RETRACING from fragments of memory, creating shadows that work with projection; momentarily manifesting within the projected images, as well as each individual film projecting to fuse into and infuse the composite film. Judith Palmer, the director of the Poetry Society, who had witnessed the performance a decade earlier, made an audio, which is threaded through the film. There will be an initiating and a closing performance for the installation.