Dilston Grove, Cafe Gallery Projects
Southwark Park, London
11 June – 17 July 2011

Six artists worked in Dilston Grove in a sequence of week-long mini residencies. Each artist chose the artist to succeed him or her and each responded to what had been left behind.

WAKE (visible tracks of turbulence) questioned notions of ownership, of collective process, of where a work begins or ends, of materiality itself and the non-verbal transmission of ideas.

I began the process with 100km of ribbon with a map 100km around Dilston Grove and 12 images of places on this circumference. I wrote of the whole process:

Planet Dilston, centre-point of a galaxy, 100km radius. Time and distance pouring two heaps. Becoming desert, sand still cascading. Luminescence, shifting rhythms over the surface. Eclipsed, sucked into blackness. A phantom heap escapes from this darkness, backwards and shadowy. Returning to before the beginning, existing only between ears, empty space.

 The remnants and materials became a binding force between the six artists, as they inhabited each other’s past and future. Visitors could see and experience the results of each residency every weekend and were able to trace the narrative of this particular space, time and group of artists over the six weeks.

The artists were:

Anne Bean, William Cobbing, David Cotterrell, Carl von Weiler, Rachel Lowe, Bronwen Buckeridge.