
Possibilities Of Other Little Ephemeral Diagrams
Cork and Limerick, Ireland
 April – May 2011

Paul Burwell described making art actions as being ‘like mapping ways of living life as it should be’ or ‘possibilities of other little ephemeral diagrams’.

POOLED is the next stage of TAPS, keeping the basic integrity of the collective-composite original but adding to this edit, each time it is shown, the live actions that are an integral part of showing the film. 

The work becomes (even more so) one of pooled sensibilities and ideas, open to ripples, a collective through time, an accumulating of histories from very different periods, a work that is never complete or incomplete. Like a living being it is always in progress – encountering different strategies and concepts on its voyage and absorbing them into its trajectory.

 This showing of the 2 screen film included, in the edit, several live performances from TAPS that worked simultaneously with the films in Dilston Grove, such as Butoh dancer Ryuzo Fukuhara. It also included Richard Wilson’s screen destroying itself through the last screening of the films. The embedded circular saws slowly ‘ate’ the projection as the image disappeared into the dust and debris of the destruction. The next showing of the 2 screen film will include, in the edit, several live performances from TAPS that worked simultaneously with the films in Dilston Grove, such as Butoh dancer Ryuzo Fukuhara (shown in the image). It will also include Richard Wilson’s screen destroying itself through the last screening of the films. The embedded circular saws slowly ‘ate’ the projection as the image disappeared into the dust and debris of the destruction.

POOLED was part of Just Listen, a sound art event initiated by the National Sculpture Factory across various venues and sites in Cork and Limerick in April and May 2011. Just Listen included installations, performances, talks, workshops, events and concerts. The live works taking place alongside the screening installation were by The Quiet Club and Soft Day. 

The Bow Gamelan Ensemble was formed in 1983 by the sculptor Richard Wilson, the artist/drummer Paul Burwell and Anne Bean to ‘explore new and very physical urban sound invocations’.