PAVES: Crossing Zones – A continuation of PAVES
PAVES made actions in different countries, on the same day 8th March 2011, International Women’s Day. AB projected the PAVES film at Chelsea College of Art and Design as a part of SLET and spoke about the project.
Poshya Kakl, Anne Bean, Vlasta Delimar, Efi Ben-David, Sinead O’Donnell
PAVES is an ongoing collaboration between five artists from Croatia, Israel, Kurdistan-Iraq, Northern Ireland and the UK, initiated by Anne Bean . PAVES have been working as a multilateral collective since 2009, undertaking performances which bear witness to the political antagonism of their local ecologies. Performing across these various territories and situations, their activity has sought to transcend the formal political boundaries which divide them. Obstacles encountered upon the actualisation of their collaboration exemplify the agency of borders and together they have developed strategies to breach these perimeters.
PAVES made actions in different countries, on the same day 8th March 2011, International Women’s Day. AB projected the PAVES film at Chelsea College of Art and Design as a part of SLET and spoke about the project.
Press release:
SLET 080311 – Flocking of birds
To mark 100 years since the first International Women’s Day, and in honour of female courage, determination and achievement PERFORMANCE KLUB FISKULTURNIK presents, a celebratory slice of present-day performance & video by a diverse, digital sisterhood.
Slet 080311 is conceived as an international digital festival of works by female artists who use their own body as an expressive tool or are exploring a concept of the body / identity through image and movement. Featuring eclectic footage – from live & performance art, through circus and dance, to photography and video – Slet 080311 is a versatile collection of works created by both emerging and established contemporary artists.
The footage will be webcast on-line at and simultaneously screened, at a number of cities in Europe on the 8th of March 2011 – the 100th International Women’s day. Conceptualising each artist as a cell, equally essential in the construction of this collective digital body, the participants connect into a creative mass that celebrates and commemorates the history of female suffrage, feminist movements and universal themes around female identity . All in all– a true flocking of ‘birds’!
Efi wrote to each of PAVES artist on the streets of Telaviv whilst Poshya wrote the following text called False Democracy in Iraq, with an action for each of the lines:
My mouth is free,
But don’t let me to say freedom..?!
My eyes are free,
But don’t let me to see open sky..?!
My hands are free,
But don’t let it to having authorization..?!
My foots are free,
But don’t let me to go out for meet my lover..?!
My body is free,
But it is my family’s honour..?!
These are no things only the False Democracy in the east Countries ..!!