Double Being

I made numerous works with Giles Thomas in Butlers Wharf 1977-1979. For a couple of years we made improvised works, both sound and visually based, often daily and non-audience based.

I often used motorised tools to make visual and aural interventions, sometimes with Giles on guitar. At the Zap Club I had a bright spotlight and a wallpaper steam remover machine creating plumes of steam inside a enclosed pyramid so that as I drilled plumes of light and steam shot-out into the space in a work called Double Being:

“Anne Bean’s collaborator (Giles Thomas) slowly constructed a wooden pyramid painstakingly, with saws and wood working materials, whilst Bean herself sat calmly in the audience. Once completed, she entered the space and was sealed in the pyramid, with a Black and Decker drill and an electric light on a loose lead. Silence, then a slow muffled buzz, as she started drilling holes from inside and then gaining momentum, till all one saw was a snarling mass of flailing hair, drill, lightbulb and splinters. Impressive, dangerous—- some of the platform performers could well have taken some lessons from her on the essential nature of risk. “
Performance Magazine